Beginning of the Beginning

Beginning of the Beginning, a cubic multi-layered sculpture, embodies the idea of the transformation of a linear digital code, the human genome, into a three dimensional complex body. I was interested in using the creative potential of genetic structures to develop my own visual language. Shadows, a series of inkjet prints, shows how essential information can be transformed into different, vital forms. Each form reflects its intention but also its unexpected consequences.

Beginning of the Beginning no.1
Beginning of the Beginning no.1, screenprint on acrylic cubes, 30x30x30cm, 2003
Beginning of the Beginning no.3
Beginning of the Beginning no.3, inkjet print on canvas, 65x65cm, 2003
Beginning of the Beginning no.4
Beginning of the Beginning no.4, inkjet print on canvas, 56x76cm, 2003
Beginning of the Beginning no.8
Beginning of the Beginning no.8, inkjet print on canvas, 56x76cm, 2003
Beginning of the Beginning no.9
Beginning of the Beginning no.9, inkjet print on canvas, 56x76cm, 2003
View-X, screenprint on paper, 56x56cm, 2003
View-Y, screenprint on paper, 56x56cm, 2003
View-Z, screenprint on paper, 56x56cm, 2003